There are numerous email alerts that can be configured throughout Channeltivity's PRM solution to notify Administrators when certain events occur. This article lists all of them by module and where to configure them. These real-time alerts are different from our Automatic Email Reminders, which are sent on a schedule.
General & Administration (customizable)
- Global Login Notification (Settings > Email > User Account Admin Notifications)
- Per-User Login Notification (Settings > Email > User Account Admin Notification)
- Account Activation Notification (Settings > Email > User Account Admin Notifications)
- Internal Account Request Notification (Settings > Email > User Account Email Templates)
- External Account Request Notification (Settings > Email > User Account Email Templates)
Deal Registration
- Created manually
- Created by converting a Lead
- Assigned to Internal User
- Closed won
- Closed lost
- Other changes
You can create custom email notifications using our Zapier connector.
Lead Distribution
Lead Distribution Email Notifications can be configured at Settings > Lead Distribution > Lead Email Notifications and can be sent to the Partner, Internal Assignee, Primary Partner Manager, All Partner Managers, and additional internal recipients. Please note that Users are not notified about their own actions.
- New Web-to-Lead
- Assigned to Partner User
- Opened
- Closed lost
- Re-opened
- Other changes
MDF Management
MDF Email Notifications can be configured at Settings > MDF > MDF Email Notifications and can be sent to the Partner, Internal Assignee, Primary Partner Manager, All Partner Managers, and additional internal recipients. Please note that Users are not notified about their own actions.
- Created
- Assigned to Internal User
- Other changes
Business Planning
(there are no email alerts in the Business Planning Module)
Training & Certification
Training & Certification notifications can be configured at Settings > Training & Certification > Training & Certification Email Notifications. Email Notifications can be sent to the User completing the Course and/or Certification, Primary Contact of Partner Organization, Primary Partner Manager of Partner Organization, All Partner Managers, and additional internal recipients:
- Course Completion
- User Certification Completion
- User Certification Completion Voided
- Partner Certification Completion
- Partner Certification Completion Voided
Partner Management (customizable)
Partner Module notifications can be configured at Settings > Partners > Partner Email Notifications.
- "Become a Partner" Form Partner Notification, sent to the Partner when they submit the "Become a Partner" form.
- "Become a Partner" Form Admin Notification, sent to the default Partner Module admin notification recipient.
- Prospective Partner Assignment Notification sent to assigned internal user.
Resource Library
(there are no email alerts in the Library Module)
Forum (customizable)
- New Post Notification, sent to Forum admin. (configure recipients and enable notification at Settings > Portal Customization > Navigation & Custom Pages by using the context menu on the Forum page to access Forum-specific Settings; edit template at Settings > Forum > Forum Module Settings)
- Thread Activity Notification sent to all subscribers of a Thread. (Settings > Forum > Forum Module Settings)
Co-Branded Collateral
(there are no email alerts in the Co-Branded Collateral Module)