Channeltivity's PRM software allows you to streamline the User management processes and promote self-sufficiency by giving Partners and Distributors the ability to self-manage the provisioning of their Users. When enabled, this functionality allows Primary Contacts at Partner and Distributor Organizations to create User accounts for their co-workers, promote Contacts to Users, resend account activation links, and reset passwords for existing Users at their Organization. This article explains how to enable this functionality and how Partners and Distributors can use it to manage Users within their Organization. 

Enabling Partner & Distributor User Self Management: 

You can enable this functionality by going to Settings > Portal Configuration > General Portal Settings and scrolling down to the "Partner and Distributor User Settings" section. Once enabled, Primary Contacts at Partners and Distributors will have the ability to create User accounts for their co-workers with identical Group permissions. 

User accounts created (using the Partner & Distributor Self Management functionality) with an email address matching the assigned email domain of the Primary Contact's Organization, will be granted access to the portal immediately without Admin approval and assigned to the same Group(s) as the Primary Contact User. 

However, there are a few scenarios where the system will generate User Requests that require Admin approval, such as:

  • When there is no email domain assigned to the Primary Contact's Organization.
  • When the User's email domain is assigned to a different Organization than the Primary Contact's.
  • When the email domain is on the Ignored Email Domains List.

Managing Users: 

Primary Contacts at Partner and Distributor Organizations can manage their team members through the “Manage Users” link in their profile menu in the top right corner of the portal. 

Adding Users: 

They can create new Users by clicking the "Add Users" button and entering the email addresses of their colleagues separated by semicolons, commas, or new lines > Add. 

Promoting Contacts to Users: 

They can also promote Contacts to Users by clicking the "Promote to User" button next to the Contact they want to promote to a User > Promote. 

Resending Account Activation Emails, Resetting Passwords, and Enabling/Disabling User Accounts:

 In addition to having the ability to create new Users, Primary Contacts can also manage existing User accounts using the "Actions" buttons to: 

  • Resend account invitation invites to Pending Users 
  • Reset passwords for Active Users
  • Disable Active and Pending User accounts (the "Enable and disable other Users at their Organization" setting must be enabled to give Primary Contacts the ability to disable/enable User accounts. You can enable it in the General Portal Settings by going to  Settings > Portal Configuration > General Portal Settings)


How do I specify the Primary Contact at an Organization?

  1. Go to Partner Management (or Distributor Management) in the left navigation menu, and click on the name of the Organization to view its details. 
  2. You'll then click "Users & Contacts" in the left side panel of the Organization's details page to view all the Users and Contacts under that Organization. 
  3. Click the "Edit" button next to the User that you want to set as the Primary Contact
    Note: As an Admin User, you can also view and edit User profiles by going to Admin > Users.
  4. Select the "Primary Contact" checkbox > Save.

Related Documentation: