You can set your portal's Name, Support Contact, and Phone Number in the General Portal Settings by going to Settings > Portal Configuration > General Portal Settings. 

Portal Details 

You can also customize the page text for the following Help items: 

  • Contact Form Text -  Non-Admin Users can use the Help icon in the header to contact you with feedback and questions. The submissions are sent to the Portal Support Email address listed in your Email Settings (Settings > Email > Email Settings).  
  • Login Failed Help- Customize the error message displayed to Users encountering issues logging into the portal. 

Tip - Use the Placeholder functionality to pull in items from the Portal Details section listed above, such as the Support Contact, Phone Number, and Portal Name. You can also use the Support Email Placeholder to pull in the email address listed for your Portal Support Email

Page Text

Scroll down the page to the Partner Distributor User Settings section to specify the actions Primary Contacts at Partner and Distributor Organizations can take to manage their Organization. For example, decide whether you want to grant the ability for all Partner/Distributor Users at an Organization to modify their Organization profile or restrict this privilege to only the Primary Contact within each Organization. 

You can also grant Primary Contacts the ability to manage Users at their Organization by enabling the "Create new Users at their Organization & resend User Invites" and "Enable and disable other Users at their Organization" settings. Learn more about this topic here: Partner & Distributor User Self Management

Partner & Distributor User Settings 

By default, the system will prompt Partners and Distributors upon login to update their Organization and User profile data every 180 days (if it hasn't been updated). You can change the number of days between updates in the User & Organization Profile Settings.

User & Organization Profile Settings

Other General Portal Settings include the following: 

  • Allow Internal Users to request additional Users - enabling this setting allows Internal Users to use the "Request Additional Users" functionality to User Account Requests for approval. 
  • Display Pending Users in other modules - enabling this setting allows you to assign Leads, Deals, Referrals, and MDF Requests to pending Users
  • Don't allow Partner and Distributor Users to make changes to archived Leads, Deals, Referrals, and MDF Requests - enabling this setting prevents Partner and Distributors from updating archived records.

Other Settings