Deal Registrations can be owned by individual Users at a Partner Organization or by a Partner Organization directly. There are several reasons why a User or Organization might not be listed in the Deal Owner dropdown menu when creating a Deal on behalf of a Partner. This article includes a list of those reasons/issues and ways to resolve them.  

Don't see a Partner Organization? 

Here are some of the reasons why a Partner Organization might be missing from the Deal Owner Organization dropdown menu: 

  1. None of the Users at the Partner Organization are assigned to a Group that includes Deal Registration access.  You can resolve this issue by assigning at least one of the Users to a Group that includes access to the Deal Registration module.
  2. The Partner is not listed as an Active Partner Organization in Channeltivity. You can resolve this issue by changing the Partner's Status to Active and assigning one of the Users to a Group that includes the "Register & View All Deals" permission. 

Don't see a User?

Here are some of the reasons why a User might be missing from the Deal Owner User dropdown menu: 

  1. The User is not assigned to a Group with access to the Deal Registration module. You can resolve this issue by updating the User's assigned Group to include access to the Deal Registration module or by adding the User to a Group that includes access to the Deal Registration module.

  2. The User is listed as one of the following in Channeltivity: 
  • Pending User - Deals can only be assigned to Active Users unless you enable this setting to assign Deals to Pending Users. Once enabled, you'll be able to assign Deals to Pending Users. 
  • Contact - Contacts do not have access to the system until they are promoted to Users and assigned to a Group that includes access to the Deal Registration module. 
  • Disabled/Inactive User - Disabled/Inactive Users do not have access to the portal. 

Related Documentation: 

How do I assign Leads/Deals Registrations/MDF Requests to a Pending User?

What Deals can a User see?

How Do I Edit a Group?

How Do I Promote Contacts to Users?

I'm trying to promote a Contact to a User, but I keep getting an error message. What's going on?