A Contact is a person associated with an Organization that does not have access to Channeltivity. Contacts associated with Active Partner Organizations and Distributor Organizations can be promoted to Users. However, Contacts associated with Prospective and Inactive Organizations cannot be promoted to Users until their Organization is made Active. For more information on Users & Contacts, check out this article

Promoting a Contact to a User:

You can promote an individual Contact to a User by going to the Contact's profile > Actions > Promote to User. 

You'll then scroll down the page to the User Administration section and update the "Group Membership" field to assign the User to the appropriate Group(s) > Promote. 

NOTE: Every User must be assigned to at LEAST one Group. The assignment can be done manually or automatically through Smart Groups. Any User not covered by automatic Smart Group assignments will need to be manually assigned to at least one Group to use the partner portal.

NOTE: If using Smart Groups to automate the assignment, the system will prompt you to confirm that you wish to proceed without manually assigning the User to Groups. 

Once promoted, the User will then receive an email invitation with a unique link to activate their User Account.

Promoting Partner Contacts to Users (in bulk):


  1. Go to Partner Management > Users & Contacts in the left navigation menu. 

  2. Use the filter area on the left to configure the list to include only Contacts associated with Active Partner Organizations. You can also add additional filters to filter by Organization, Partner Type, Region, and more. 

  3. Select the checkboxes next to the Contacts you want to promote to Users, or select the top checkbox to select all the Contacts in your view. 

    4. Click the "Promote Contacts to Users" button and assign them to the appropriate Group(s) > Promote.

    NOTE: Every User must be assigned to at LEAST one Group. The assignment can be done manually or automatically through Smart Groups. Any User not covered by automatic Smart Group assignments will need to be manually assigned to at least one Group to use the partner portal.

    NOTE: If using Smart Groups to automate the assignment, the system will prompt you to confirm that you wish to proceed without manually assigning the User to Groups. 

Promoting Distributor Contacts to Users (in bulk):


  1. Go to Distributor Management > Users & Contacts in the left navigation menu and follow the instructions in steps 2 - 4 listed above.

Partner & Distributor Self Management:

Primary Contacts at Partner and Distributor Organizations can promote Contacts to Users by going to their User profile in the top right corner of the portal > Manage Users. They can then use the "Promote Contact to User" buttons to promote Contacts under their Organization to Users. Learn more about this topic in this article: Partner & Distributor User Self Management.

Related Documentation: