The Library provides Partners with self-service access to marketing resources, sales tools, technical documentation, and more. This article explains how to upload and categorize content using Folders, Tags, and Custom Fields. It also provides an overview of the available layout configuration options for the Library. 

Note: Your Library can be configured in two modes: Folder Mode and Flat Mode. However, Flat Mode does not support Folders. To learn more about these options and which mode to choose for your channel partner Library, please refer to the Library Settings article.

Adding Folders:

The Folder Mode layout configuration option allows you to use Folders to organize and catalog files, links, articles and videos uploaded to the Library. It's important to create a Folder structure that Partners will understand. Having an intuitive Library structure makes your Partners keep coming back to the portal to access the materials they need to sell your products and services.

When creating your Folder structure, we recommend reviewing the Partner content that you have and grouping the content by type, product, solution, or category. For more tips and best practices, check out: What's the Best Way to Structure my Partner Library?.

To add a Folder:

  1. Go to the Library and click the "New" button > New Folder. 
  2. Name your Folder.
  3. Add a description.
  4. The "Folder Location" dropdown menu allows you to specify where in the Libary you want the Folder to appear. 
  5. You can use the default thumbnail image for the Folder or click the “Upload File” button to upload a custom image for the Folder's thumbnail. The image should be saved as GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or JFIF and be at least 180px in both dimensions. 
  6. Choose how the Folder's thumbnail is displayed in the Wide, Large, and Small Tile Views of the Library (also see Creating a Visually Engaging Partner Library, Step by Step):
    • Fit - image is scaled down to fit the thumbnail space
    • Fill - image takes up the whole thumbnail space
  7. Click "Save" to save your changes. 


Adding Content:

To add content:

  1. Click the "New" button on the Library's home page or click on the Folder that you want to add content to > New. 
  2. Select the content type you would like to add:
    • New Folder (subfolder)
    • New File 
    • New Link 
    • New Article
    • New Video  

3. Upload your file.
4. Give the file the title you want Partners to see within the portal.

5. Use the “Folder Location” dropdown menu to specify where in the Library you want the item to appear. 

6. Use Tags to add keywords, labels, or metadata to your Library content. Users can filter Library content using Tags to help them find the content they're looking for. Tags are optional, and there's no limit to the number of Tags that can be defined. 

7. Select a system-generated thumbnail image for the File's thumbnail or upload a custom image by clicking the “Upload File” button.  The thumbnail image will appear in the Wide, Large, and Small Tile Views of the Library. (also see Creating a Visually Engaging Partner Library, Step by Step)

8. Specify the keywords you want like associated with the file.

9. Specify which Users will have access to the File using the below Permissions and Visibility Options:

  • Everyone: All Users assigned to Groups that have the "Library Access" permission enabled. 
  • Selected Groups: Only Users in the selected Groups.
  • No One: Only Admin Users and Internal Users with "Document Administration" access. 

Note: For more information on the Permissions and Visibility options listed above, check out: How do I set Partner Portal Content Access & Permissions?.

 File Permissions and Visibility - Everyone

File Permissions and Visibility - Selected Groups

File Permissions and Visibility - No one (hide this File from regular Users)

Uploading Videos

You can upload videos to the Library by clicking the "New" button and selecting one of the following options:  

  • New File: The video will not play in Channeltivity, and to view the video, Users will have to download it to their computer and view it in an external media player.
  • New Article: The video will be displayed in the body of an Article Document.  
  • New Video: The video will play in Channeltivity. Video upload options include the following: 
    • Select the "Upload File" button to upload MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, and MKV video files (see Note below). 
    • Select the "YouTube/Vimeo" button to enter the URL to a YouTube or Vimeo video
      Note: You can grant Non-Admin Users the option to download videos by selecting the "Allow non-Admin Users to download this video" checkbox in the screenshot below. This functionality becomes available when uploading one of the following video file types: MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, MKV. Leaving the checkbox unchecked will only allow Users to view the video in Channeltivity. 


How Do I Assign Permissions to Folders? 

Permissions are assigned to content, not folders. The way the Library works is that Users (assigned to Groups with Library Access) only see the folders in the Library that have content assigned to the Groups they are assigned to. For example, if a folder contains content that is only assigned to one Group, then only the Users in that Group will see the Folder in the Library. Other Users from other Groups will not see the Folder in the Library because it does not contain content that is assigned to their Group.

How Does the Organization Assignment Functionality Work? 

It allows you to assign content to an Organization, and only the Users at that Organization will have access to that piece of content.  

How Do I Make Content Publicly Accessible?

Library Documents can be marked as "Publicly Accessible," which creates a unique link that can be shared publicly with non-portal Users. You can also enable the LinkedIn sharing option to give Users the ability to share content to LinkedIn. Learn more about this topic here: How Do I Make a Library Document Public so that Anyone Can Download It?.

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