In addition to uploading Files, Links, and Videos to their partner Library, Users can also create Article Documents. Article Documents allow you to add rich text content with images and videos to the Library without having to create a separate downloadable document. Articles can also serve as a fantastic alternative to using custom pages to showcase information in a visually appealing manner, as they provide the added benefits of view tracking and keeps your portal's left navigation menu clutter-free. 

How do I create a Library Article Document?

To create an Article Document: 

  1. Go to the Library and click the “New” button > New Article. 
  2. Enter a Title for the Article. 
  3. Add text, images, and videos to the Content field. 
  4. Use the "Folder Location" dropdown menu to specify where in the Library you want the Article to appear. 
  5. Use Tags to add keywords, labels, or metadata to help Users filter and search for the Article. 
  6. Select the default Thumbnail image for the Article's Thumbnail or upload a custom image by clicking the "Upload File" button.  The thumbnail image will appear in the Wide, Large, and Small Tile Views of the Library. Learn more about this topic here
    • Custom Thumbnail images should be saved as GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or JFIF and be at least 512px in both dimensions.
  7. Specify the keywords you want associated with the Article.
  8. Choose which Users will have access to the Article using the below Permissions and Visibility Options:
    • Everyone: All Users assigned to Groups that have the "Library Access" permission enabled. 
    • Selected Groups: Only Users in the selected Groups.
    • No One: Only Admin Users and Internal Users with "Document Administration" access.

      Note: For more information on the Permissions and Visibility options listed above, check out: Setting Permissions for Library Content 

  9. You can schedule the Article to go live on a specific date and/or expire on a specific date using the "Viewable From" & "Until" fields.
  10. Click "Save" to save your changes.

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