Channeltivity gives you the ability to segment content in various areas of the portal, such as the Home Page, Library, Training & Certification, News, and Co-Branded Collateral modules. This article explains the different permission options for segmenting Library content. For more information on content segmentation in other areas of the portal, check out: How do I set Partner Portal Content Access & Permissions?.

***NOTE: The visibility of Folders in the Library is determined by the permission you select when uploading Files/Documents to a Folder. This is because permissions are set on the File/Document level rather than the Folder level. As a result, Users only see Folders containing content they have permission to access. Folders without content or content that Users are not permitted to view are not visible to them. ***

You can control access to Library content using the below permission options when uploading content to the Library:

  • Everyone: All Users assigned to Groups with "Library Access" will have access to the file. 
  • Selected Groups: Only Users in the selected Groups will have access to the file. (Gives you the ability to select the Groups that you want to have access to the file.)
  • Smart Permissions: Only Users that match the rules that you specify will have access to the file.  
  • No One (hide this File from regular Users): The file will only be visible to Admin Users and Internal Users with "Document Administration" access to the Library.

Based on your selections, the system will display the total number of Users who have access to the Library and to that piece of content.

File Upload Edit Screen - Selected Groups 

 File Upload Edit Screen - Smart Permissions 

Assigning Content to an Organization: 

You also have the ability to assign content to an individual Organization, and only the Users at that Organization will see that piece of content in the Library. instructions are listed below: 

  1. Select the "No one (hide this File from regular Users)" option
  2. Use the "Organization" dropdown menu to assign the piece of content to an individual Organization.

File Upload Edit Screen-  Organization 

Setting Permissions in Bulk: 

The Document Report gives you the ability to assign permissions to multiple files at once. The Report includes all Files/Documents within a Library and allows for bulk permission assignment. You can access the report by hovering over the Library header and clicking the ellipsis icon that appears in the top right > Reports. 

You'll then select the "Document Report." 

Switch to the layout to the "Table Layout" to view the Documents in a list format.

Library Document Report - Large Tiles Layout

Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to assign permissions to or select the top checkbox to select all the items in your view > Actions:

  • Replace Group Permissions - allows you to replace/change the current Group permission(s) of the selected records. 
  • Add Group Access - allows you to add an additional Group permission to the selected records. 
  • Remove Group Access - allows you to remove a Group permission from the selected records.

Library Document Report - Table Layout

Related Documentation: