A little bit of preparation will save you time and headache during implementation. Here are the things you need to complete prior to implementation:

Think About Groups & Permissions

Channeltivity uses Groups to determine the content and functionality Users have access to in the portal. Users must belong to at least one Group, but can be members of multiple Groups. 

Figuring out how you want to structure your Groups in Channeltivity is the first part of the implementation process. Think about the content you'll be adding to your portal and the Users that will need access to it. Identify the categories that drive your content segmentation and use that as a starting point. For example, you might need to structure Groups by your Partner tier structure (gold, silver, bronze), region (EMEA, North America, APAC) or product family.  Once you've decided on a structure for your Groups, you can start adding permissions to the Groups. Permissions determine the features and functionality the Users in the Group will have access to in system. 


Gather Partner Data for Onboarding

To launch Channeltivity to your existing Partners you will need to gather a list of your current Partner Accounts and Users. Make sure you have the Account information and contact information.

The contact information should include:

  • first and last name
  • email address
  • title
  • phone number

The Account information should include:

  • company name
  • Partner type
  • address
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • URL
  • internal owner

This information will need to be mapped into Channeltivity so make sure that the fields you are exporting exist on your Partner profile. You will also need a list of your internal Users.

Gather or Create Agreements

Leveraging the automated Partner Agreements feature in Channeltivity can save you time and money. Reach out to your legal team to obtain agreements/ terms and conditions to add to the portal.   Make sure they are up to date and align with any changes your program has made since its creation. Don’t let your Partner agreement slow your launch, and don’t miss out on great time and cost saver.

Content Alignment

With your Groups defined you can start gathering and “Partnerizing” your content. Identify any content gaps and put together a strategy to fill them. Review the Partner content you have and align it to a folder structure that will make sense to your Partners. Make sure to prepare a title, description and list of key words for each of the content pieces. This will make it easier to add the content into Channeltivity.

Partner Profile Creation for Onboarding

When defining your Partner profile take into consideration any specific details you need to identify a good Partner. Structure your Partner profile/application to include the Partner details that are most important to your program. Ask what you need, but need what you ask for.

Partner Program Page Detail

If you don’t already have a Partner program page on your corporate website, you will need to create one. This page should provide an overview of your program designed to entice the right types of Partners to apply for membership. Include your program requirements and benefits along with your Partner types and tiers. This page will also serve as a jumping off point to your Channeltivity portal.

Include buttons or links for the following:

  • Partner Login – Where existing Partners will log into Channeltivity
  • Become a Partner – Where prospective Partners will complete their application
  • Request Access – Where Partner Users of an existing Account will request access

Next up: Navigation and Controls

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