The Deal Registration integration with Salesforce can be configured to allow the importing of Salesforce Opportunities into Channeltivity as Deal Registrations. In order to successfully import a Salesforce Opportunity into Channeltivity as a Deal, the Opportunity must meet the following conditions:


  • The Salesforce Opportunity is associated with a Salesforce Account and Contact, and the Contact is flagged as the Primary Contact.
  • The “Sync with Channeltivity” checkbox is selected.
  • The  “Export to Channeltivity Deal” checkbox is selected.
  • The “Channeltivity Partner Email” field contains the email address of an Active Partner User in Channeltivity assigned to a Partner Group  that includes access to the Deal Registration module.
    • For customers with the Distributor module enabled, depending on your configuration of the Distributor Module Settings, this field may be optional for Opportunities that have the “Deal Owner Type" field set to Distributor-Owned.

  • The Salesforce Opportunity fields mapped to required fields on the Deal in Channeltivity are populated with data. For example, the “Stage” field on the Deal in Channeltivity is required by design. Therefore, the corresponding field that the Channeltivity Stage field is mapped to in Salesforce must be populated with data on the Opportunity.

  • For customers with the Distributor module  enabled who need to import Deals for Distributors, you will need to ensure the Opportunity meets the below conditions in addition to those listed above.
    • The “Channeltivity Distributor Email” field contains the email address of an Active Distributor User in Channeltivity assigned to a Distributor Group that includes access to the Deal Registration module.

    • By default, imported Deals are owned by the Partner. However, the “Deal Owner Type” picklist field on the Opportunity in Salesforce can be used to specify whether the Deal is owned by the Partner or Distributor by setting the field to one of the below values:
      • Distributor-Owned: the integration will set the Distributor User as the Deal’s owner in Channeltivity
      • Partner-Owned: the integration will set the Partner User as the Deal’s owner in Channeltivity

Once the Opportunity or multiple Opportunities have been properly prepped in Salesforce, you can wait for the import process to run (this happens approximately every hour) or launch it manually from within Channeltivity using the Sync Manager (Settings > Salesforce Integration > Sync Manager).  Simply select the checkbox next to the "Deal Registration" integration> Actions > Run Full Sync Now to manually trigger a full sync. 

Please note that depending on your integration, it may take several minutes to complete a full import.

If your Salesforce Opportunities didn't all import, use the Integration Log to find out why. The helpful error messages will explain why an Opportunity was not imported and suggest solutions for resolving common import issues.

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