We do not offer the ability to move Deal Registrations between Partner Organizations. If for some reason, you need to move a Deal Registration to another Partner Organization, we suggest manually recreating the Deal under the appropriate Partner Organization and deleting or rejecting the old Deal.
Note: There may be other workarounds depending on the number of Deals you're looking to move, so feel free to contact us for additional workarounds at [email protected].
How do I associate the new Deal with the appropriate Opportunity/Lead in Salesforce?
Use the linking functionality to associate the new Deal with the appropriate Lead/Opportunity in Salesforce.
How do I move a User and their Deals to another Partner Organization?
- Follow the steps listed here to move the User and temporarily reassign their Deals to another User at their Organization.
- Once the Deal Registrations have been temporarily reassigned, and the User has been moved to the appropriate Organization, the User can manually recreate the Deals under their new Partner Organization, or an Internal User can recreate the Deals for them.
- Once the Deals are entered under the new Partner Organization, you can delete the old Deals from the other Partner Organization. If you don't want to delete the Deals, close them by setting their status to Denied/Rejected. If the Deals are linked to Opportunities/Leads in Salesforce, you'll need to unlink them.