Enabling the Legal Terms Administration functionality in Channeltivity will require all Users (Internal, Partner, and Distributor) to accept your portal's terms and conditions when they log in for the first time and when you update them. 

Legal Terms Configuration

  1. Go to Settings > Security Privacy & Compliance > Legal Terms Administration. 
  2. Click the "Enable" button in the top right corner of the page to enable the functionality. 
  3. The Page Text section allows you to add instructions to the top of the Legal Terms Approval page.

  4. (Optional) Select the "Send confirmation email to the User when legal terms are accepted" checkbox to enable and customize the confirmation email that is sent to the Users after they accept your legal terms. 
  5. When you are finished, click "Save" to save your changes.

  6. Paste your Legal Terms into the "Legal Text" field and click "Save" to save your changes.

Legal Terms Tracking/Reporting

You can view the Users that have accepted your Legal Terms in the "Legal Agreements" section. 


Can Internal Users be excluded from the Legal Terms Administration functionality?

It's not possible to exclude Internal Users from the Legal Terms Administration functionality.