Files uploaded to the Library using the "New File" option below can be marked as "Publicly Accessible," which creates a unique link that can be shared publicly with non-portal Users. You can also enable the LinkedIn sharing option to give Users the ability to share content to LinkedIn. 

To edit a document for public sharing, select one of the below options from the file's Edit page:

  • Enable public link - the system generates a unique link that can be shared publicly with non-portal Users
  • Enable public link and show LinkedIn sharing button - creates a public link and gives Users the ability to share the content on LinkedIn

How do I obtain the public link? 

To obtain the public link, hover over the Document and click the ellipsis icon that appears in the top right > Details.  

Library - Large Tile Layout


Library - Wide Layout


Library - Compact Layout

Right-click (or Control-click) on the Public Link listed on the Details page and select "Copy link address."

Library Document - Details Page 

How do Users share content to LinkedIn? 

Users can share Documents (that have been configured to allow for sharing to LinkedIn) to their LinkedIn page by hovering their mouse over the Document and clicking the "LinkedIn Share" icon that appears in the top right. 

Library Large Tile Layout- LinkedIn Share Button

Library Wide Layout - LinkedIn Share Button

Library Compact Layout - LinkedIn Share Button