Manage the Lead-to-Deal conversion process in Channeltivity using the Lead Distribution module. Once a Partner or Distributor is assigned a Lead, you can track their progress, ensure follow-ups, and provide support to improve close rates. 

To learn more, check out: What is the Lead Distribution module and how does it work?.

Configuring Lead Distribution 

To configure the Lead Distribution module, go to Settings > Lead Distribution > Lead Distribution Module Settings. 

Workflow Settings:

In the Workflow Settings section, you can select the "Allow assigning Leads to Organizations directly (instead of Users only)" checkbox if you want to assign Leads to an entire Organization instead of individual Users. If left unchecked, Leads can only be assigned to specific Users within an Organization. 

You can also configure how Leads are closed within your program:

  • Allow converting Leads to Deal Registrations This allows Partners to register a new Deal Registration without having to re-enter the prospect company and contact information again. Converting a Lead to a Deal closes the Lead and prevents it from being edited.
  • Allow setting Leads as Won (without converting them to Deals) – For programs that use Leads primarily for tracking interest and do not require a complex Deal Registration pipeline, this option allows Leads to be marked as Won without creating a Deal.
  • Allow both – Provides flexibility by enabling both Lead conversion and standalone Won status.

Note: Leads can always be closed as Lost regardless of the selected setting.


GDPR Options:

The Lead Distribution module includes safeguards to help ensure GDPR compliance. This article explains the configuration steps to enable these features.  

Field Settings:

Choose which standard fields on the Lead Distribution form are required and not required in the Field Settings section. 

Note: Go to Settings > Lead Distribution > Lead Custom Fields to configure custom fields. 

Additional Page Descriptions

Add a page description with special instructions to the main Lead Distribution page for Partner and Distributor Users.