Channeltivity released the next version of our Deal Registration and Lead Distribution integrations with Salesforce. The updated version provides additional functionality, and faster, more reliable syncing. Some customers were required to make minor changes to their configuration to prepare. This article provides an overview of the changes and answers frequently asked questions.

What improvements were included in the updated integration?

  • True bi-directional data flow. Just like Partner Sync, you are now able to define bi-directional data flows between your CRM and Channeltivity.

  • Automatic importing of Leads from Salesforce. If you use Channeltivity's Lead Distribution module, you can automatically import and assign Leads from Salesforce.

  • Support for constants. Want all to set the "Source" field to "Partner" for all Salesforce Leads created by Channeltivity's Deal Registrations module? Constants allow you to do this.

  • Faster, more reliable syncing. Optimized queries, better handling of conflicts, and much more.

Does the integration work differently?

Generally, no. Most people will not notice any difference. However, similar to Partner Sync, the updated integration requires that Salesforce records have a checkbox that determines whether the record can sync with Channeltivity. We added this flag to make the integration more efficient and reduce Salesforce API calls.

What changes do I need to make to prepare for the updated integration?

Since the updated integration requires that Salesforce records be flagged to sync with Channeltivity, you need to specify a checkbox field on any Salesforce records (Lead and Opportunity) that sync with Channeltivity. Similar to the Partner Sync integration, checking this box in Salesforce determines whether the record can sync with Channeltivity.  

Do I need to manually check the flags for records in Salesforce?

No, the updated integration automatically checks the checkboxes for any synced Salesforce records.

How do I know if there's anything I need to do to prepare?

If your integration requires action, you will see a system message like this one: 

What if I didn't prepare for the updated integration?

If you don’t make the necessary changes, your Deal Registration and Lead Distribution integrations stop working.

When did the integration changes go live?

The updated integration went live June 28, 2021.

Should I create any automations to check the sync flag in Salesforce?

Additional automations are not necessary. Channeltivity intelligently handles all standard scenarios, for example: 

I still have questions!

Contact support, and we’re happy to help.