The Branding & Design settings allow you to customize your portal to be consistent with your company website and/or branding guidelines. Here, you can upload your logo, select color schemes, and customize the login screen with a background image.
To access the Branding & Design settings, go to Settings > Portal Customization > Branding & Design > Launch Branding & Design.
Portal Page:
In the "Portal Page" section of the Branding & Design settings, you can customize your portal's color scheme, logo, and font. You can utilize the color blocks available on the right-side panel or input specific RGB hex values to modify the colors of the following elements:
- Global Styles
- Links - Pertains to the color of links displayed throughout the portal
- Buttons (excluding Hero/Banner Widget buttons) - Refers to the color of buttons displayed throughout the portal
- Font - Refers to the font used throughout the portal, with Roboto and Lexend as the available options. If you'd like to use your company's font, you can contact our Support Team to have it added, provided you hold a license for its use in this context.
- Left Navigation Styles
Left Navigation Background Color: This refers to the background color of the main navigation.
Left Navigation Active Background Color: This pertains to the background color of the sub-navigation menu when an item is selected from the main navigation menu.
Left Navigation Text Color: This denotes the color of the text and icons displayed in the main left navigation menu.
Left Navigation Active Text Color: This refers to the color of the text displayed when an item is selected from the left navigation menu.
- Header Styles
Header Background Color: This indicates the background color of the portal's header.
Header Text Color: This denotes the color of the text and icons displayed in the portal's header.
Header Background Image (optional): Instead of selecting a solid background color for your portal's header, you have the option to upload an image (high-resolution GIF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG, and at least 60px high) as the background.
- Header Mode - Set the Header Mode to one of the following:
- Logo Only - Logo appears in the left top corner of the header
- Text Only - Portal name appears in the left top corner of the header
- Logo & Text - Both the logo and portal name appear in the top left corner of the header
- Upload your logo (high-resolution GIF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG image and be at least 120px in both dimensions)
- Adjust the logo padding. You can also adjust the header text and size if using the Text Only or Logo & Text Header modes.
Login Page:
Switch to the "Login Page" section to customize the Login Page by choosing a color scheme, uploading your logo, and adding a background image.
- Logo must be a high-resolution GIF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG image and be at least 200px in both dimensions.
- Background image must be a high-resolution GIF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG file and be at least 1200px high and 2400px wide.
Email Templates:
Switch to the "Email Template" section to customize the style of the portal's email notifications by choosing a color scheme and uploading your logo.
- Logo must be a high-resolution GIF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG image and be at least 200px in both dimensions.
Email Marketing Template:
(News & Email Marketing subscription required)
Switch to the "Email Marketing Template" to customize the Email Marketing template that's applied to all emails sent through the Email Marketing module. Here, you can choose a color scheme, and upload logos for the header and footer.
- Header Logo - Image should be saved as GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or JFIF and be at least 140px in both dimensions.
- Header Footer - Image should be saved as GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or JFIF and be at least 100px in both dimensions.
- Footer Text - Includes your Organization's name and contact information.
- Footer Text - Includes your Organization's name and contact information.