This article provides an overview of Channeltivity's Referral integration with HubSpot. For setup instructions, check out:  HubSpot Integration: Referral - Setup Walkthrough.

Channeltivity’s Referral integration with HubSpot makes it easy to get Referrals submitted through Channeltivity into your HubSpot CRM. The integration can be explained in two steps:

  1. Once a Partner or Distributor submits a Referral, Channeltivity creates a copy of the Referral as a Deal in HubSpot. This can be configured to happen automatically or on a manual basis. 
    • Automatic Every new Referral created in Channeltivity will automatically create a corresponding Deal in HubSpot. 

    • Manual – Internal Users initiate the sync of a Referral by selecting the Sync action on the HubSpot button on the Referral's details page.

  2. By default, the integration sets the Deal's Company and Contact based on the email address of the Contact (end-user) listed on the Referral in Channeltivity. If the Contact's email address does not exist in HubSpot, Channeltivity will create a new Contact in HubSpot with the Contact's information from Channeltivity. If the Contact's email domain is not already associated with a Company in HubSpot, a new Company will be created with the information from Channeltivity. Your Company and Contact field mappings will determine the data that is pushed to HubSpot to create the new Company and Contact.

    TIP: It's strongly recommended that you make the “Email Address” field for the End User Contact on the Referral form in Channeltivity required to reduce the potential for duplicate Contacts and Companies in HubSpot. You can accomplish this by going to Settings > Referrals > Referral Module Settings.

Once the Referral is synced to HubSpot, you can use the HubSpot button on the Referral in Channeltivity to do the following: 

  • View the Deal in HubSpot takes you to the corresponding record in HubSpot. 
  • Sync Now a full sync runs once every hour, but you can sync individual records any time by clicking the "Sync Now."
  • Full Details view the record's integration status and sync errors. 
  • View Integration Log view the records' sync history on the Integration Log.
  • Unlink unlink the record from the corresponding record in Salesforce. 


Does HubSpot have PRM functionality for Referral Management?

There's no integrated PRM for HubSpot at the moment, but Channeltivity's Referral module is designed to exchange data with HubSpot CRM and really easy to set up.