All of Channeltivity’s integrations with Salesforce require the security credentials of a valid Salesforce user with Salesforce API access. This article provides instructions for configuring a Salesforce user with the proper permissions and entering those credentials into Channeltivity.

Channeltivity’s integrations with Salesforce use the Salesforce API, which is available standard as part of Salesforce Enterprise Edition and can be activated at additional cost for Salesforce Professional Edition. You can also use Salesforce's Free Integration User License (separate instructions at the bottom of this page). Have your Salesforce Admin follow the steps listed below to configure your Channeltivity instance to connect to Salesforce:

  1. Log into Salesforce and navigate to Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Make sure that the Profile of the Salesforce User used for the integration is assigned to a Profile that meets the following requirements:
    • Does not have Login Hours restrictions
    • Has Login IP Ranges that allows connections from anywhere
    • Has the following switches activated:
    • API Enabled

    • Modify All Data

    • Customize Application

    • Manage Profiles and Permission Sets

  3. Obtain the username, password and security token of the Salesforce User used for the integration. If the User needs to obtain their security token, have them log into Salesforce, click the profile icon in the top right corner > Settings > Reset my Security Token. An email containing the security token will be sent to the email address associated with the Salesforce User's account.  Learn more about this topic here: How do I reset my security token?

  4. Log into Channeltivity and go to Settings > Salesforce Integration > Credentials 

  5. Enter the username, password and security token of the Salesforce User.
  6. Once you hit the "Save" button, Channeltivity will validate the credentials and return you to the Salesforce Integration menu where you can now enable any of the plug and play integrations.

Common Salesforce Credential Issues

If you keep getting the "Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out" error message, here are a couple of things you can try:

  1. The Salesforce security token sometimes expires. Regenerate it in Salesforce (it will get emailed to you) and try again.
  2. You can confirm that the Salesforce password is correct by opening a private/incognito browser window and trying to log in at (or your particular custom domain)
  3. Channeltivity will need Salesforce API access. Confirm that your Salesforce user's profile has the API enabled.
  4. Sometimes Salesforce users get locked out if they unsuccessfully try logging in a number of times. Log into Salesforce as an admin and unlock the user by going to Setup > Users > Users > select the locked User >  Click on Unlock button. (The button only appears if the User is locked out.)

How to connect using Salesforce's Free Integration User Licenses 

Salesforce includes five free Integration User Licenses to all customers, regardless of the edition they're using. Here's how to connect Channeltivity to Salesforce using one of those licenses:

  1. Logged into Salesforce as an admin, go to Setup > Users > Users
  2. Create a new User, selecting any of the User Licenses that allow you to log in and reset your Security Token. Using the "Salesforce", "Chatter Free" or "Chatter Only" User License should both work. We will ultimately switch the User to the free "Integration User License", but that license doesn't allow Users to log in and we need the Security Token for the integration setup, so we'll create it using one type of Salesforce license, get the token, and then switch it back. 
  3. Log in with the new User you just created and reset your Security Token by clicking the profile picture in the top right corner, selecting "Settings" and then "Reset My Security Token" in the settings menu.
  4. Log in as the admin again, go to Setup > Users > Users and edit the User, changing their User License to "Salesforce Integration" and Profile to "Salesforce API Only System Integrations".
  5. Go to Setup > Users > Permission Sets and click the "New" button
  6. On the a Create Permission Set screen:
    1. Set the Label to "Channeltivity Permissions Set" or similar.
    2. Under the "Select the type of users who will use this permission set" section, scroll past "Salesforce Integration" and select "Salesforce API Integration" further down as the License. DO NOT select "Salesforce Integration". 
    3. Save.
  7. View the Permission Set's "System Permissions" and edit them, enabling the following flags (this will select a bunch of prerequisites as welland then Save:
    1. Modify All Data
    2. Customize Application
    3. Manage Profiles and Permission Sets
  8. Click the "Manage Assignments" button and assign the integration User you created in step 2 to the Permission Set
  9. All done, you'll now be able to connect your PRM to Salesforce by entering the credentials of the Free Integration User you created into Channeltivity.